Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Who Cares About The Environment

Hairdressing salons are not known for being Green. Our energy consumption is high, to say the least. When you think about air-conditioning in summer, heating in winter, hairdryers going all day, lighting, towel washing and drying, you get the picture. I know of salons that have more than four big 500 litre tanks. And we haven’t even talked about the water usage that goes with washing hair and towels all day long! We are environmental mini disaster zones. But there are ways to make changes that will save both the environment and your profit margin.


   Water is an essential part of hairdressing. This will never change, but wastage can be minimised. The easiest way is to get water saving taps installed and use appliances with a high WELS rating. WELS is the government water rating and is given to all taps and water-using appliances Some salon furniture places will offer this as well. Comfortel is one such company and I use their basins in my salon as the taps a 4 star rated.
Washing machines and toilets are also rated this way and you can save thousands of litres of water each year.


   Chemical wastage is another issue relevant to our industry. Think about the amount of colour, shampoos and product that is washed down the drain in just one day in a hair salon. Using product that have fewer chemicals is a simple way to reduce the amount of toxins that go into our waterways and also onto your clients’ heads.

   I use O&M haircare , a company who have used research and technology to eliminate any harsh and toxic chemicals from their colour and product ranges. Their mission is to challenge the artificial norms of professional hair care with the message that healthy hair begins when it’s free from stress. They are committed to researching clean formulations while adding the many positives that quality botanicals and essential oils have to offer. It’s not henna-style natural, but it’s less harsh chemicals and that is a good thing.

   One more thing-Save the Dolphins bucket. Have a bucket in the salon,scrape any unused colour product into it, then throw it in the bin. It stops it going down the drain. Small measures, but small steps are what help make the big one easier. http://www.ultraimports.com.au/terms.php

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